The TwentyTwo tribe is growing – meet Steffi McKeown

Steffi is the newest member of the TwentyTwo tribe and joins Rob Campbell in our Auckland office. I sat down with Steffi to learn a little bit more about what makes her tick.

Steffi, what gets you out of bed in the morning?

Mostly my alarm to go to the gym at 5:20am! I’m trying to train myself to be a morning person. I’m about six months in and I’m actually starting to enjoy starting the day this way – so I think it’s working!

Apart from that my career is a big focus at the moment. I love the property industry, it’s so relevant and there’s always a lot happening, particularly here in Auckland, it’s exciting to be part of it.

How long have you been in Auckland, what do you love about it?

I have been here just over four years and I love that there is always something happening – new restaurants, new shops, new precincts, I like the buzz and that it has a pulse.

Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?

Michelle Obama – she is amazing. I think she is classy and obviously incredibly intelligent. She’s a very savvy business woman and absolutely held her own as the wife of the President of the United States.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Shopping – I’m a serious shopper! Working at Generator surrounded by so many amazing boutiques is going to be dangerous.

What’s your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Absolutely my career to date. I went off to University straight out of school and did a really interesting degree in geography and anthropology – but at the end of it I didn’t really have anywhere I could take it that interested me.

I was lucky to get a job where I was able to pave a career for myself doing something I found I was really great at and had a passion for. Being able to track some career goals and make them happen is really rewarding. Now I can’t imagine doing anything else!

In three words how would you describe your job?

That’s a hard one…




What do you like most about your job?

That property effects everyone, regardless of what you do, most businesses have a connection to property.

I also love working with clients and getting out and meeting new people. I’m intrigued to learn about how their businesses operate, what’s important to them and how property can help to support their wider business plans.

What’s on your wish-list for the next five years here at TwentyTwo (because we know you’re going to love it here and never leave)?

One of my big goals is to be the best at what I’m doing and surround myself with people who do the same. I want to build on my reputation in the market as a trusted advisor that delivers top quality solutions and advice. 


Steffi McKeown has over four years of hands-on experience in the Auckland commercial property market. Here at TwentyTwo she continues to provide tenants/occupiers with advice on needs analysis/briefing, stay-go decisions, new leases, lease renewals, rent reviews, portfolio management and the wide range of issues associated with managing large occupier portfolios.

She is a licensed real estate agent, a committee member of the Women in Property interest group within the Property Council NZ, and holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours from Victoria University of Wellington.



Emma Barker

Marketing Manager

Digital curator and problem solver. Emma leads our marketing and communications efforts. Her marketing skills…
20 July 2018

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