New Zealand owned and operated for 30+ years. We help you understand how your investment in place-based assets and decisions can in fact be a catalyst for wider change, for your organisation and workforce, or for your community and New Zealand Inc.
With a presence in Auckland, Tauranga and Wellington, and national reach, we work alongside you as a trusted adviser and partner. Built on the principle of motuhake, our independent spirit remains a core value.

Power of TwentyTwo
Most organisations rely on a physical “place” to support their core business, even in an increasingly digital world.
We use the term “place” to encompass real estate, infrastructure and workplaces – which all involve “place-based” investment choices and decisions. Place influences how we work, live, learn and play. They provide a sense of belonging.
The places we work, learn, live and play in are clearly diverse. These can range from the property and real estate used by organisations to operate their business, (such as office, retail and industrial assets) through to specialist property, infrastructure and facilities, intertwined with business operations or the community fabric.
So not surprisingly, making place-based decisions can be complex.
Sound decisions that minimise risk, reduce unnecessary cost and maximise the opportunity that place-based change can bring, requires proven experience, strategic acumen and commercial acuity.
We help clients not only make better decisions, but also unlock wider exponential outcomes – Value22.
Meet the Tribe
Our Tribe is passionate about making a difference. Doing the right thing. Challenging convention. Working creatively and collaboratively. Being better together.
We work alongside you as a trusted partner to help navigate the physical and digital landscape, providing a current and future-looking view, in an increasingly complex operating environment.
We ask the right questions, beyond the obvious.
We are true property and real estate specialists but with a broader-than-property skill set and focus.
We are genuinely working for you, with no competing agendas. We embrace independent thought and endeavour.
We minimise risk around one of your largest financial decisions. We also help you to maximise the opportunity these decisions can have on wider outcomes.
Kate Horton
Practice Lead: Strategy22 -
Adam Hovell
Matthew Peko-Fox
Chief Technology Strategist -
David Lambie
Director, Clients & Consulting -
Steffi McKeown
Senior Adviser | Ngāi Tahu
Chris Ware
Practice Lead: Advisory22 -
Katherine Jones
Philip Langenhoven
Dean Croucher
Managing Director -
Erica Pitt
Graphic Designer
Johan Meyer
Senior Adviser
Paul Mautz
Associate Principal
Sunder Croucher
Business Operations Manager
Duncan Mitchell
Don Smith
Director, Commercial & Innovation -
Kyle Bascara
Andrew Craig
Senior Adviser
Kylie Doran
Business Support Administrator
Emma Barker
Marketing Manager
Keen to join the Tribe?
22We have a loyal and trusted client base across all New Zealand sectors, property types and markets.
This loyal following has been built over 30 years by immersing ourselves in our clients worlds, giving us insight into how we can help them make better decisions and how these decisions can support better outcomes.

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