Take it from the top

A recent issue of boardroom, the IOD’s bi-monthly magazine that keeps members informed of relevant governance and business issues, includes a feature written by Managing Partner Dean Croucher.

The article, entitled ‘Property – take it from the top’, focuses on the need for directors to be greater involved in property decisions due to their wide-reaching impact on the organisation – from brand expression to scalable, sustainable growth, from financial performance to the uptake of new technologies.

Dean observes that directors are often presented with a property project or proposal to approve with little or any background on how it fits with their business strategy.

“Property should be leveraged to strategic advantage, the decision-making process starting at the top by ensuring boards understand what’s happening in terms of property trends and best practice, the strategic role of property in propelling the business forward and developing a focus on value above dollars and cents” writes Dean.

He also lists a number of questions directors should be asking when it comes to property decisions such as ‘Do we have a current property strategy?’, ‘Does this proposal/project fit with our business needs?’ and ‘Have we taken independent property advice?’.

To discuss these and other questions, contact Dean.


Dean Croucher

Managing Director

Thought-leader, creator and collaborator. Dean leads TwentyTwo’s strategic business initiatives, continuously driving our innovation and…
29 July 2015

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