Meet Erica – our graphics guru

Erica joined the TwentyTwo tribe in May and provides visual and graphic design support to our team. Erica takes the lead on our visual identity and translates the team’s learnings into visual concepts and solutions. 

I sat down with Erica to learn a little bit more about her background, her passion for graphic design and how her first weeks at TwentyTwo have been.


You’re based in our Wellington office, what do you love about Wellington?

The harbor and town belt for sure – and the clear skies that follow a southerly wind.


What is your favourite thing(s) about being a graphic designer?

I like the turning words and concepts into designs that are thoughtful, fit for purpose and cohesive. I like getting away from the computer with pen and paper to really get my head in the right space and to see where those thoughts lead to.


We consider ourselves pretty lucky to have someone with your skills on our team. Why do you think more organisations are recruiting in-house graphic support?

Working as an in-house designer gives you first-hand experience of the culture and people – it helps to understand the core issues and provide designs that fit.


What are the graphic trends of 2019/2020?

Muted colours and custom typefaces/illustrations.


In three words how would you describe your first few weeks here at TwentyTwo?

Welcoming, supportive and inclusive.


Tell us a little bit more about your background?

We’ve recently returned to Wellington and I’m married to Ben and our son is 6 years old. We love travelling and our most recent adventures have taken us to Iceland, Cuba, Mauritius, Finland, Vancouver and Alaska. We have lived in Vanuatu, Australia and most recently, the USA. Our house is a work in progress and we love making homemade pizzas.


 What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

My family!




Emma Barker

Marketing Manager

Digital curator and problem solver. Emma leads our marketing and communications efforts. Her marketing skills…
26 May 2019

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