Team TwentyTwo’s Xmas parade

Team TwentyTwo celebrated the end of another fantastic year last weekend by heading up to Auckland to see Coldplay live at Mt Smart Stadium! 

The previous night, our team got together for a few quiet red wines and a meal on Auckland’s busy Viaduct before priming themselves on Saturday for the big concert. A high-quality team watching high-quality performers – perfect! Even Paul was caught tapping his toes so they must have been good! 

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It was great to have some time out with the team and we thank them again for all their hard work this year and for  the support of our partners. A very Merry Christmas from TwentyTwo!

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Dean Croucher

Managing Director

Thought-leader, creator and collaborator. Dean leads TwentyTwo’s strategic business initiatives, continuously driving our innovation and…
07 December 2016

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