Sweet success for a deal that was small but perfectly formed

The simplest projects can often be the sweetest and the work TwentyTwo did in helping macaron maker J’aime les Macarons with the lease and negotiation of a larger commercial kitchen is a perfect example.

What began as a small stall at Christchurch farmers market in 2008 after owner Bridget O’Sullivan returned from travels through France, led to the launch of new flavours and product lines over the years, followed by increased retail and online sales. As a result of such growth, a bigger commercial kitchen was recently needed.

Luckily, the search for the right premises was short and sweet as an opportunity came up with the existing landlord to relocate to a larger commercial kitchen nearby.

With the firm foundation of a good relationship between client and landlord, TwentyTwo’s David Lambie and Steffi McKeown gave a helping hand to deliver a win-win solution by reviewing the lease documentation, negotiating the key commercial terms and premises improvements and finalising the lease documentation.

“We took any pain out of closing a deal that was meant to be” says David. “Transactions like this don’t need to be over-complicated or unnecessarily ‘legalistic’. A common sense approach with our practical lens was the key to achieving agreement quickly and to the satisfaction of both parties.” 


David Lambie

Director, Clients & Consulting

Connector, leader and communicator. David is a market leader with particular knowledge of large scale…
24 May 2022

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