David Lambie joins TwentyTwo

Well-known and respected property adviser David Lambie has joined TwentyTwo as a Principal and Director.

David has spent the last 10 years at Wareham Cameron representing a number of high-profile clients and leading many of New Zealand’s largest leasing transactions. He has more than 20 years’ experience in property development, lease negotiation, project delivery and property consulting.

David will continue to focus on:

  • Tenant representation and advocacy
  • Development agreement/commercial negotiation
  • Lease negotiation
  • Project directorship and transaction management
  • Corporate real estate/property strategy 

David brings a wealth of experience and commercial acumen to our business. 

In addition to his advisory focus, he will also take up a national business development role working alongside me and Gail Calder, our Auckland Manager. Our objective is to grow our presence in Auckland and extend our experience and services across a wider range of private sector clients, while maintaining our reputation and relationships with our existing clients.

David’s significant skills and client-driven focus not only complement the company’s strategic direction as a leading national adviser to tenants and owner-occupiers, they are also a welcome fit with our team’s skills and desire to provide excellent results for our clients.

The appointment of David – and Gail leading our Auckland business since May – represents a step-change for the business. Since re-branding as TwentyTwo in 2012, we’ve made huge strides towards becoming New Zealand’s leading independent tenant advisers. David’s appointment adds further momentum and strengthens our advisory and leadership team.


Dean Croucher

Managing Director

Thought-leader, creator and collaborator. Dean leads TwentyTwo’s strategic business initiatives, continuously driving our innovation and…
12 August 2015

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